Job performance predictors: 5 types of cognitive ability tests

by Vineith Kaul, Posted on 28 April 2022

Online Testing

Job performance predictors: 5 types of cognitive ability tests

The term “cognitive ability” refers to a broad range of mental capabilities such as reasoning, memory, verbal and problem-solving. These exams are designed to assess an applicant’s ability to employ mental processes to solve work-related challenges. Results from these tests usually predict job performance to a high degree.

There are several types of cognitive ability tests, but in this article, we will go over five cognitive ability tests that can help predict work performance easily:

  • Verbal reasoning tests
    A verbal reasoning test evaluates candidates’ ability to deduce information from text. The format is usually a written passage that evaluates candidates’ ability to recognise logical relationships between words and make proper conclusions from written data. The tests also evaluate their language comprehension, verbal comprehension, and logic.
  • Numerical reasoning tests
    Candidates from the finance and data sectors, in particular, must be able to analyse the provided data and come to fair and logical conclusions in the least amount of time. With a numerical reasoning test, recruiters will see how well a candidate understands and interprets numerous problems presented in the form of tables, graphs, and data.
  • Problem-solving assessments
    In problem-solving assessments, candidates are asked to solve business problems using deductive, inductive, and quantitative reasoning. This test evaluates a candidate’s ability to manage and solve problems in complicated and unexpected situations effectively. Candidates must schedule around various scenarios and identify the correct operation sequence based on these assessments’ business principles.
  • Critical thinking tests
    Critical thinking tests measure a candidate’s ability to evaluate information and make logical decisions based on the said information. These tests are commonly used in legal job interviews to examine a candidate’s analytical, critical reasoning skills.
  • Spatial reasoning tests
    Spatial reasoning tests evaluate a candidate’s ability to manipulate 2D and 3D objects, recognise patterns between shapes, and visualise movement and change in those shapes. This measures how well candidates can visualise a whole shape from its contingent parts.

    The Anubudh testing platform provides companies with multiple job performance predictors assessments to hire the best candidates. You can explore more about the product at


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