Aptitude Tests – An Excellent Screening Tool for HR

by Vineith Kaul, Posted on 30 March 2022

Online Testing

Aptitude Tests – An Excellent Screening Tool for HR

The key to successful corporate operations is effective hiring. Increasingly, hiring managers use aptitude tests to ensure that the best candidates are hired out of all those who appear qualified. This type of test is used by businesses to examine the core competencies of potential employees. Hence, aptitude tests are often used as tools for screening candidates.

An excellent pre-employment aptitude test can help you identify talented individuals who can significantly contribute to the company’s success. Using aptitude tests allows recruiters to stay focused on the most qualified candidates. While screening thousands of students in campus drives, aptitude tests provide an efficient, data-backed evaluation tool. Here are some types of Aptitude tests:

  • Verbal Reasoning– To check the comprehension and retention skills of a candidate. This is very important for a client-facing role. 
  • Numerical Reasoning- To check the numerical competency of a candidate that has to work with data in numeric format.
  • Logical Reasoning- To check whether the candidate can process a set of data to come to a logical conclusion. They are mostly used for the managerial role selection process. 
  • Abstract Reasoning- To test a candidate’s strategic skills while working under pressure. 

Aptitude tests work as the best screening tool for HR:

  • During large hiring drives like college hiring programmes, aptitude tests help to streamline their hiring and selection process. This preliminary screening is a highly effective technique to advance the most worthy candidates to the next step of the process, including further evaluations and interviews.
  • Recruiters can use the results of these test recruitment to avoid costly mistakes and eliminate unconscious bias throughout the hiring process. Therefore it’s a cost-saving tool.
  • ‘Ability’ can be efficiently measured via an aptitude test. As mentioned above, different types of aptitude tests can be administered online or face to face to find the most suitable candidate for a particular job role. 

If you also want to streamline your hiring process, please contact us at www.anubudh.com. We provide the best online tools for screening that can make your hiring process effective. 


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